• Robert Dansertlaan 250, 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium

Cycloaliphatic support insulators for outdoor

CO – Cycloaliphatic support insulators for outdoor – Catalog sheet

Cycloaliphatic epoxy resin material

Raw materialCycloaliphatic epoxy resin, hardened with dicarboxylic acid anhydrides filled with silanised silica
Tensile strengthISO 52785,1 N/mm²
Flexural strengthISO 178134,8 N/mm²
Impact strengthISO 17912,6 kJ/m²
Notch impact strengthISO 1791,5 kJ/m²
Critical stress intensity factor (K ic)CG 216-0/892.15-2.35 Mpa.m1/2
Specific energy at break (Gic)CG 216-0/89470-500 J/m²
Class of flammabilityUL 94V1 (>12 mm)
Glass transition pointISO 11357-1 (DSC)110 +/-5 °C
Tracking resistanceIEC 60112CTI <600-0.0
Volume resistanceIEC 600938,89+15 Ohm.cm
Loss factorDIN 534831.5 - 5.0 % (23 - 100°C)
Coeff. of linear thermal expansionDIN 5375235-38*10-6 K-1
Dielectric constantIEC 602504,12 (23 °C, 50 Hz)
Dielectric strengthIEC 60243 - 118 - 20 kV/mm
Dissipation factorIEC 602500,0101 % (23 °C, 50 Hz)
Water absorptionISO 620,026% by wt.
DensityISO 1183-11.9 g/cm³

I3333 - 3,6 Cycloaliphatic insulators for outdoor use

Cycloaliphatic epoxy standoff insulators 3,6 kV for outdoor use

TYPEArt.12a2b3H ± 1CrNTensileØDØFColorA x tB x tWeight
I3333 E M8B4708 *3,640197360856000150006035greyM8x13M8x1325,2
I3333 E M10B4424 *3,640197360856000200006035greyM10x16M10x1625,4
I3333 E M12B316 *3,640197760857500200006035brownM12x18M12x1826,3
I3333 E M16B317 *3,6401977608510000200006035brownM16x20M16x2026,5
Rated values according to IEC 60273 - Tests according to IEC 60660
1 - Rated Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
2a - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, dry (50 Hz, 1 min)
2b - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, wet (50 Hz, 1 min)
3 - Rated Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50 μs)
cr - Creepage distance
N - Flexion resistance
Recommended tightening torque for epoxy insulators
Thread --> (Nm)
M6 --> 7 Nm
M8 --> 10 Nm
M10 --> 30 Nm
M12 --> 50 Nm
M16 --> 120 Nm
M20 --> 200 Nm
M24 --> 250 Nm

7,2 kV Cycloaliphatic insulators for outdoor use

Cycloaliphatic epoxy standoff insulators 7,2 kV for outdoor use

TYPEArt.12a2b3H ± 1CrNTensileØDØFColorA x tB x tWeight
Cyclo outdoor steadyB4021-17,2---8011520000-11888brownM16x20M16x201,22
Rated values according to IEC 60273 - Tests according to IEC 60660
1 - Rated Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
2a - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, dry (50 Hz, 1 min)
2b - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, wet (50 Hz, 1 min)
3 - Rated Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50 μs)
cr - Creepage distance
N - Flexion resistance
Recommended tightening torque for epoxy insulators
Thread --> (Nm)
M6 --> 7 Nm
M8 --> 10 Nm
M10 --> 30 Nm
M12 --> 50 Nm
M16 --> 120 Nm
M20 --> 200 Nm
M24 --> 250 Nm

12 kV Cycloaliphatic insulators for outdoor use

Cycloaliphatic epoxy standoff insulators 12 kV for outdoor use

TYPEArt.12a2b3H ± 1CrNTensileØDØFColorA x tB x tWeight
Cyclo outdoor steadyB4174-11238-751301745000-6060brownM16x33M16x330,58
Rated values according to IEC 60273 - Tests according to IEC 60660
1 - Rated Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
2a - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, dry (50 Hz, 1 min)
2b - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, wet (50 Hz, 1 min)
3 - Rated Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50 μs)
cr - Creepage distance
N - Flexion resistance
Recommended tightening torque for epoxy insulators
Thread --> (Nm)
M6 --> 7 Nm
M8 --> 10 Nm
M10 --> 30 Nm
M12 --> 50 Nm
M16 --> 120 Nm
M20 --> 200 Nm
M24 --> 250 Nm

24 kV Cycloaliphatic insulators for outdoor use

Cycloaliphatic epoxy standoff insulators 24 kV for outdoor use

TYPEArt.123H ± 1CrNØD1ØD2FigabfFd3 d4WeightDownload
CO 4 - 125B681 (*)2450125210514400070801M12M161833M6x12362,9Download
CO 4 - 125B3952450125210514400070801M16M163333M6x12362,9Download
CO 4 - 125B3962450125210514400070802M10M1616332,9Download
CO 8 - 125B3972450125210514800070801M20M203434M10x16462,9Download
CO 8 - 125B3982450125210514800070802M20M2034342,9Download
CO 4 - 125/1B276 (*)2450125250734400070701M10M162033M6x12363,4Download
CO 4 - 125/1B277 (*)2450125250734400070702M16M1633333,4Download
CO 8 - 125/1B2822450125250724800090701M16M203334M10x16663,5Download
CO 8 - 125/1B2832450125250724800090702M16M2033343,5Download
CO 4 - 125/2B3992450125280824400070701M10M162033M6x12363,8
CO 4 - 125/2B2782450125280824400070702M10M1633333,8
CO 7 - 125/2B4002450125280814700070901M16M203334M10x16463,9
Rated values according to IEC 60273 - Tests according to IEC 60660
1 - Rated Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
2 - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, wet (50 Hz, 1 min)
3 - Rated Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50 μs)
cr - Creepage distance
N - Flexion resistance
Recommended tightening torque for epoxy insulators
Thread --> (Nm)
M6 --> 7 Nm
M8 --> 10 Nm
M10 --> 30 Nm
M12 --> 50 Nm
M16 --> 120 Nm
M20 --> 200 Nm
M24 --> 250 Nm

36 kV Cycloaliphatic insulators for outdoor use

Cycloaliphatic epoxy standoff insulators 36 kV for outdoor use

TYPEArt.123H ± 1CrNØD1ØD2FigabfFd3 d4WeightDownload
CO 4 - 170B402 (*)3670170300784400070801M16M163333M6x12364,1Download
CO 4 - 170B4033670170300784400070802M16M1633334,1Download
CO 8 - 170B4043670170300784800070801M24M243535M10x16464,1Download
CO 8 - 170B4053670170300784800070802M24M2435354,1Download
CO 4 - 170B4083670170300784400070801M10M162033M6x12364,1Download
CO 4 - 170B4093670170300784400070802M16M1633334,1Download
CO 8 - 170B410 (*)3670170300784800070801M16M243335M10x16464,1Download
CO 8 - 170B4113670170300784800070802M16M2433354,1Download
CO 4 - 170/1B107 (*)3670170360980400070801M10M162033M6x12364,9Download
CO 4 - 170/1B1083670170360980400070802M16M1633334,9Download
CO 6 - 170/1B2883670170360973600090801M16M243335M10x16664,9Download
Rated values according to IEC 60273 - Tests according to IEC 60660
1 - Rated Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
2 - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, wet (50 Hz, 1 min)
3 - Rated Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50 μs)
cr - Creepage distance
N - Flexion resistance
Recommended tightening torque for epoxy insulators
Thread --> (Nm)
M6 --> 7 Nm
M8 --> 10 Nm
M10 --> 30 Nm
M12 --> 50 Nm
M16 --> 120 Nm
M20 --> 200 Nm
M24 --> 250 Nm

36/52 kV Cycloaliphatic insulators for outdoor use

Cycloaliphatic epoxy standoff insulators 36/52 kV for outdoor use

TYPEArt.123H ± 1CrNØD1ØD2FigabfFd3 d4Weight
SPI 170-12B387367017028084912000901701M16M163335M10x16464,9
SPI 200-8B336367020036011088000901701M16M203340M10x16466
SPI 200-8B4323367023036011088000901703M16M1633334x M10x16666
SPI 200-8B4424367023036011088000901703--4x M10x16466
SPI 250-4B4421527025050015474000901701M16M203334M10x16468,95
SPI 250-4B4661527025050015474000901701M16M203334M10x16668,95
Rated values according to IEC 60273 - Tests according to IEC 60660
1 - Rated Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
2 - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, wet (50 Hz, 1 min)
3 - Rated Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50 μs)
cr - Creepage distance
N - Flexion resistance
Recommended tightening torque for epoxy insulators
Thread --> (Nm)
M6 --> 7 Nm
M8 --> 10 Nm
M10 --> 30 Nm
M12 --> 50 Nm
M16 --> 120 Nm
M20 --> 200 Nm
M24 --> 250 Nm

24/36 kV Cycloaliphatic insulators for outdoor use

Cycloaliphatic epoxy standoff insulators 24/36 kV for outdoor use

TYPEArt.123H ± 1CrNØD1ØD2FigabfFd3 d4Weight
LPI 110-1324125231,55821300090170-M16-35
LPI 150-1324125283,57691000090170-M16-35
LPI 170-836170335,5943800090170-M16-35
LPI 200-836170387,51104800090170-M20-40
Rated values according to IEC 60273 - Tests according to IEC 60660
1 - Rated Highest voltage for equipment (Um)
2 - Rated Power Frequency Withstand Voltage, wet (50 Hz, 1 min)
3 - Rated Lightning impulse withstand (1.2/50 μs)
cr - Creepage distance
N - Flexion resistance
Recommended tightening torque for epoxy insulators
Thread --> (Nm)
M6 --> 7 Nm
M8 --> 10 Nm
M10 --> 30 Nm
M12 --> 50 Nm
M16 --> 120 Nm
M20 --> 200 Nm
M24 --> 250 Nm